Simple and healthy face mask recipes. Homemade face masks. Review of the best. What is a black mask

Female beauty is a fragile flower that needs to be looked after all the time, otherwise it will fade very quickly. This is especially true for facial skin, which is most susceptible to environmental influences; it is covered with makeup every day and then cleansed using various products, often aggressive. As a result, it is on the face that signs of aging appear first. Today we want to discuss the good ones, tell you what they are, what their features are and what effect they give. That is, as a result, you will be able to collect for yourself an excellent collection of recipes that you will use. All of the masks listed have been tried and tested by hundreds of women more than once. Despite the fact that we are all different, each was able to choose those recipes that suited her and refuse expensive cosmetic products for facial skin care.

Natural masks that come in

In fact, if you are looking for good face masks, you will find a huge variety of recipes, among which it is very easy to get lost. Let's give a basic classification to make it easier to navigate this diversity. You can distinguish such groups as cleansing and nourishing, tightening and anti-aging, whitening, moisturizing, to combat acne. Moreover, their division can be quite arbitrary, since by adding additional ingredients, in addition to the tightening effect, you can perfectly nourish your skin. There are also universal masks that perform a number of important functions at once. Below we present good face masks, the effects of which have been tested by several generations of women.

General rules for applying a mask

Indeed, it often happens that the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced only because a number of conditions are not met. This applies to professional skin care products. Surely at least once, after a wonderful procedure in a salon, you tried to buy the same product, and then went to the salon again. Same with homemade recipes, good face masks require time and careful adherence to all instructions.

Moisturizing masks

This is the most popular category, which is why we will start with it. All skin needs hydration at any age. It is especially important to make good face masks at home if you have dry skin, if you suffer from flaking, or if you often use foundation. By the way, the ingredients are very simple and often you already have them in your kitchen. Before use, test for an allergic reaction by applying the composition to the back of your hand or to the crook of your elbow.

Best Recipes

Cleansing masks

They are needed for any skin type. It is very important to apply cleansing compositions once or twice a week to keep your skin glowing with health and beauty. These are good for blackheads as well, since the deep one prevents inflammation. In this category, I would like to highlight steaming masks, which can serve as the first step in a home skin care system. If the skin is not prone to allergic reactions, then you can make a composition based on honey. To do this, heat a tablespoon of honey until warm, almost hot, add olive oil and yolk. The warm mass is applied to the face in a dense layer and secured with cling film. The mask nourishes well, but leaks a lot.

If this option doesn't suit you, choose an oatmeal mask. Cook oatmeal in milk without sugar or salt, cool until warm and spread in a thick layer on your face. The film will enhance the effect. If you have oily skin, then add a teaspoon of baking soda. Oatmeal can be replaced with semolina or mashed potatoes. However, in case of purulent-inflammatory processes on the face, it is better to avoid steaming masks.

A cleansing alternative for all skin types

One of the best options is to use cosmetic clay. Today the choice for the buyer is very wide. Owners of oily and problem skin can use white, blue and green clay. Regular procedures will give you not only clean, but also smooth, tightened and rejuvenated skin. If you have combination or normal skin, then it is recommended to use a mixture of red and white clay or buy pink, which is the same.

The most famous is probably It can be suitable for almost any skin type and has excellent cleansing properties. It makes a good face mask for acne. One of the main conditions for their popularity is ease of use. You don't need to collect a lot of ingredients, just dilute the contents of the bag in a small amount of water - and you're done. You need to keep this mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Nourishing masks

If oily skin primarily requires hydration, then dry skin requires nutrition. We will introduce you to good face masks at home. Reviews from women indicate that, despite their availability, they give excellent results. There are a huge variety of nourishing masks, but there are basic rules that must be followed. First of all, they cannot be stored; they are prepared immediately before the procedure. They should not be kept on the face for longer than 20 minutes. Wash them off with warm water, and it is not advisable to go outside for an hour after using them. They cannot be applied more than twice a week, and after two weeks you need to take a break of 8-10 days.

Nourishing mask recipes

  • Every woman knows about the benefits of aloe. This plant has unique properties, rejuvenating and nourishing. Therefore, aloe juice is widely used for homemade masks. One of the most effective is the recipe with an egg. To do this, take a tablespoon of aloe juice, add the yolk for dry skin or the white for oily skin. All you have to do is add a tablespoon of orange juice, and the composition is ready. The composition is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.
  • The glycerin mask is known to almost all cosmetologists. It is suitable for almost all skin types, but gives especially noticeable results to those with dry skin. To prepare it you need to take one yolk and a tablespoon of glycerin. If you are not allergic to bee products, add a tablespoon of honey.
  • A yeast mask is a source of B vitamins, as well as a full range of beneficial elements for facial skin. To prepare this composition, take 1 tablespoon of dry yeast, pour three tablespoons of milk over it and let it swell. After this, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of flour.

As variations, you can offer masks based on eggs and honey with the addition of various oils: apricot, cedar, wheat germ and others.

Anti-wrinkle masks

Age will not be a threat to you if you regularly use good anti-wrinkle face masks. Feedback from women has given us the opportunity to select the best recipes for you, which make it possible not only to prevent the appearance of wrinkles, but also to significantly reduce the size of those that already exist. You will be surprised, but masks made from fresh berries are the most effective. You will only need a few strawberries, which you need to mash into a paste and apply to your skin. Fruit acids and vitamins will nourish the skin, tighten and refresh it.

There are other good face masks for wrinkles and skin elasticity. For young beauties, the option of sour cream and finely chopped parsley is suitable. Apply the mixture (1 to 1) on your face and leave for 15 minutes. For older women, a recipe made from blue clay, honey, lemon juice and sour cream is perfect. All ingredients in equal proportions.


With age, many people notice that the oval of the face becomes less clear, the eyelids begin to droop over the eyes, and a deep trace of wrinkles is outlined around the nose. To combat such symptoms, you need the most effective means. This is exactly what can be called a mask based on ordinary starch. It gives an effect comparable in effectiveness to the Botox procedure, but is absolutely safe for your health. You will need potato starch (20 g) and fresh carrot juice (a quarter cup), 100 ml of water and a tablespoon of full-fat sour cream. Cooking will take some time. Place the starch in a saucepan and add half the water. Gradually add the rest of the water and heat until it becomes jelly-like. Now cool and add the rest of the ingredients. Make a mask every other day, the full course is 10 procedures. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.


Today, cosmetologists offer such a selection of skin whitening products that we forget about good face masks at home. By the way, they also help well against acne, tone the skin, reduce inflammation, and reduce redness. This is a lemon mask, when the sour pulp is ground in a blender and applied to half the lemon with sour cream. An excellent option would be cucumber crushed into porridge with a teaspoon of lemon juice. However, these formulations will not help cope with the cause of acne, so if this is your problem, then the following recipes are for you.

Anti-acne masks

Not only teenagers, but also adults often look for good face masks for acne at home. A photo that clearly shows traces of acne will spoil anyone's mood, and the person will rush to look for a solution to his problem. Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse and lightly steam your face by moistening a thick cloth in a hot decoction of calendula, celandine, string, sage, nettle and chamomile, wormwood and yarrow (all 1 to 1) and applying it to your face until it cools. After this, apply a mixture of blue clay, sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice (equal parts) to your face. Another option would be a garlic mask. To do this, crush a few cloves into a paste and mix with a spoon of olive oil.

To summarize, I would like to say that any of these masks is very effective, safe and practically free. However, if you have serious skin problems, consult a dermatologist first.

How to make your own mask for facial skin rejuvenation

Every modern woman, regardless of age, wants to look as attractive and younger than her age as possible. Recipes that promote rejuvenation have been relevant at all times. A beautiful face with well-groomed healthy skin is our calling card. Moreover, it is not necessarily the beautiful shape of the eyes or the correct shape of the nose given by nature that attracts attention - a more significant role in shaping the assessment of a person’s appearance, both for men and women, is played by the condition of his facial skin.

This is why it is so important to pay close attention to facial care and pamper your skin with various procedures aimed at additionally nourishing the cells and supplying them with active ingredients. This will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles and delay the appearance of age-related changes on the face, thus maintaining the elasticity of the skin and prolonging its youth for as long as possible.

The most effective means by which we can prolong the youth of the face or rejuvenate already tired mature skin are masks for the face and neck. However, not everyone can allocate the time required in the modern busy rhythm of life to visit beauty salons to perform rejuvenation procedures.

And the cost of such professional cosmetic services today is a pleasure that not every woman can afford. Therefore, let's figure out how you can do homemade anti-aging procedures yourself at home, using available products.

What you need to know to provide proper care for your face

So, homemade masks are the most common and affordable product used to nourish, cleanse and rejuvenate all skin types:

  • They use only natural products, without chemical additives, all kinds of fragrances, dyes and preservatives.
  • They can be made from ingredients you have on hand or available at your local grocery store.
  • It is impossible not to take into account the effectiveness with which masks made from natural products act, and their relative cheapness compared to branded drugs.
  • Using certain products, you can provide complete care and good nutrition to your skin.
  • If you use masks regularly, you will soon feel the beneficial effect, which is reflected in improved skin tone, the disappearance of fine wrinkles and even out complexion.
  • The components of the mask will have the best effect on your skin if you pre-apply it with a steam bath of medicinal herbs. You can brew any herb you have at home for your baths. Steam the skin for at least ten minutes - this will open the pores as much as possible and ensure better penetration of the nourishing and moisturizing components of the mask into the inner layers of the skin. You can then wash off the mask with the same decoction.

Important: be sure to use tonics to tighten the pores on the skin after washing off the mask. You can take just a piece of ice for this purpose. And don’t forget about the nourishing cream: this is a must for skin care after the procedure.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of homemade masks only if you use them regularly. To obtain the desired effect, you need to make 15-20 masks. However, you should not get carried away: first carry out the course with a mask of one composition, then, some time after the end of the course, you can try the effects of a different composition on yourself.

According to numerous reviews, the best products that can be used for masks are:

  • Fresh berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • Milk and fermented milk products - yogurt, sour cream and kefir;
  • Fresh eggs;
  • Hercules;
  • Aloe;
  • Vegetable oils – olive, avocado, grape seed oil. seeds.

Using these products, you can prepare a variety of products at home to refresh your facial skin, smooth out existing wrinkles and protect your skin from further fading.

Effective recipes for masks

We present for you the best effective recipes for facial skin rejuvenation, simple in composition and selected taking into account different skin types. Using them at home, you can make masks not only for women, but also for men - especially since the latter very rarely use the services of beauty salons.

Masks for oily skin

  • Protein.

This is the easiest and easiest way to rejuvenate your skin:

  • Separate the white from the yolk, place it in a separate bowl and beat until foamy;
  • Take a paper napkin, try it on your face and cut out holes for the eyes, mouth and nose;
  • Apply a thin layer of egg white to your face using a sponge or wide brush. Place a piece of paper on top;
  • Cover the top of the napkin blank with a layer of protein mask and let it dry;
  • Repeat applying layers of protein and then drying several times.

You need to remove the protein mask very carefully after it has completely dried. Start removing the mask from the top of your face by grabbing the top ends of the dried tissue.

Important: relax your facial muscles while the protein is drying and do not strain them until the protein mass is completely dry.

  • Cucumber.

Cucumber is an excellent skin tonic, so it can be found in many masks. Using cucumber masks, you can get rid of swelling, soften and relax the skin, thus improving its appearance.

In order to prepare a rejuvenating cucumber mask, chop the cucumber on the finest grater or in a blender, mix it with a small amount of yogurt without additives or kefir. Apply the resulting paste to the entire face, including the eyelids. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse off.

Face masks for dry skin

  • Banana.

These berries are famous for their hypoallergenic qualities, and therefore they can be used as a base for preparing masks for the most capricious skin. Potassium, contained in large quantities in bananas, helps destroy bacteria that have settled in cells and the disappearance of age spots and painful redness of the skin. After a course of masks based on banana pulp, the skin becomes pleasantly velvety and matte.

You will need:

  • 1 or 2 ripe bananas;
  • A teaspoon of any citrus juice;
  • A tablespoon of bee honey.
  • Grind the bananas until mushy and pour in the juice of citrus fruits - orange, lemon, grapefruit.
  • Stir the mixture with honey until smooth.
  • Apply the banana mixture to your face and problem areas of the body.
  • The exposure time of the mask is 20-30 minutes. After this, rinse it off as usual, treat your skin with toner and don’t forget about the nourishing cream.
  • Hercules with honey.

This mask has an immediate effect on the dermis - immediately after washing off, you will see how much better your face looks. Oatmeal perfectly softens the skin and acts as a scrub, ridding the top layer of the epidermis of dead particles. Honey is an excellent nutrient and antioxidant. The oil, which is also present in the mask, has a softening and smoothing effect on the skin, improving its elasticity.

To prepare the mask, take:

  • Half a cup of crushed Hercules flakes;
  • Two tablespoons of liquid bee honey;
  • A teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  • Grind Hercules flakes using a blender or coffee grinder;
  • Heat honey in a water bath;
  • Mix honey and oil (preferably olive) in a deep container and add prepared oatmeal;
  • Pre-cleanse the skin and apply the oatmeal mixture.
  • Relax and lie down for half an hour, then remove the mixture with a cotton swab and rinse off the residue with warm water.

Universal masks for facial rejuvenation

  • Gelatinous.

This is a cheap mask that is available to everyone at home. At the same time, in terms of the effect obtained, it is not inferior to expensive procedures performed in beauty salons. This is an excellent product that tones the skin and has a rejuvenating effect on it for a long time.

Cooking method:

  • Fill the gelatin packet with a small amount of cold water, let it swell and heat until boiling. There is no need to boil the mixture; stir constantly while heating so that the gelatin melts and forms a homogeneous liquid mass without lumps.
  • Cool the mixture until warm - so as not to unnecessarily heat the skin of the face, and so that the mixture does not have time to harden.
  • Apply the cooled gelatin mixture to your face, except around the eye area and nasolabial area. If desired, you can apply a gelatin mask to your neck. It is best to use a wide brush or a special spatula for this.
  • After application, lie down and relax. You need to lie down, without moving or straining your facial muscles, for about half an hour until the gelatin dries completely.
  • As time passes, carefully remove the dried gelatin film, starting from the chin and upward to the frontal area. Thus, according to experts, deformation of the skin does not occur, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Rinse your face after removing the film with water at room temperature.
  • Lemon with honey.

This is an affordable and effective mixture that can be used as a mask for facial rejuvenation. It not only perfectly tones the skin, but also, thanks to the presence of lemon juice, eliminates the problem of age-related pigmentation.

For the procedure you will need:

  • natural yogurt or kefir, two teaspoons;
  • lemon juice or lime juice, half a teaspoon;
  • bee honey, half a teaspoon;
  • if available, a few grapes without skins and seeds.

Combine kefir with lemon juice and honey, mix and use as a mask. After exposure, wash it off with a cotton swab with warm water.

There is such a great variety of folk recipes, using which you can regularly do procedures at home to care for your skin and rejuvenate it.

Knowing the properties of the products, you can combine them at your discretion and make masks that simultaneously have cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing properties. The main thing is to use only those products that do not irritate your skin, and also do the procedure regularly, at least 2 times a week for 2 months.

If you follow all these simple rules, you can heal and rejuvenate your skin in two months, with minimal investment of time and money.

You can prepare various skin care products at home. Especially popular are face masks made from natural ingredients.

A variety of ingredients are used to prepare it, depending on what effect the woman wants to get.

Versatile and affordable components for simple masks

Simple face masks at home are an effective way to maintain the beauty and youth of your skin without spending extra money. A variety of natural ingredients are used to prepare the products. The use of natural substances makes the masks safe and effective.

Cosmetic masses are prepared using the following products:

  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • dairy products;
  • grain crops;
  • blue and white clay;
  • lemon acid;
  • vitamins in ampoules;
  • vegetable and essential oils.

Vegetables, fruits and berries should be used to prepare cosmetic masses for the face seasonally. During the period when they are grown in artificially created conditions and brought for sale in stores, it is better to refuse to use them.

We suggest looking at the features of using face masks:

After all, it is impossible to be sure of the quality of the imported products and compliance with the rules of their cultivation. Perhaps the producers used harmful fertilizers. As a result, the product used in the mask may cause an allergic reaction.

The natural ingredients contain a large number of useful substances that benefit the skin. The effectiveness of homemade masks is as follows:

  • providing sufficient moisture;
  • nutrition of the epidermis;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of pigment spots;
  • removal of harmful substances from the dermis;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • increasing skin firmness and elasticity;
  • suppression of the inflammatory process;
  • relieving irritation;
  • facial rejuvenation, prevention of wrinkles.

Natural masks are harmless. The only contraindication to the use of a particular product is individual intolerance to a particular product.

There are a huge number of simple face masks. A cosmetologist will help you choose the right product, taking into account the type of skin and existing problems.

Attention! Cosmetic masses are prepared at home immediately before the procedure. Natural ingredients without the addition of preservatives will quickly deteriorate.

For facial rejuvenation

The most effective rejuvenating and tightening mask for the skin is gelatin. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • three small spoons of gelatin;
  • 50 ml milk;
  • three teaspoons of liquid honey;
  • three small spoons of glycerin.

The cosmetic mass is prepared in this way: gelatin is poured with milk, left for 60 minutes, it should swell. Then the swollen pulp is placed in a water bath for a minute. At the same time, it must be stirred regularly so that the milk does not boil. Otherwise, the product will lose its healing properties.

Then the mass should cool, after which honey and glycerin are added to it, all products are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. The mask is applied in several layers. Before each subsequent layer, the previous one must be completely dry. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

For hydration and nutrition

Nourishing and moisturizing face masks help provide the epidermis with nutrients and sufficient moisture. This is especially important in the spring and summer, when a lot of water evaporates from the skin under the influence of sunlight. This leads to dryness, decreased elasticity of the skin, and peeling.

For oily types, the following mask is suitable: beat the white of a chicken egg, add 20 ml of liquid honey, stir until smooth, add a large spoonful of oatmeal, wait until it softens and apply.

For dry epidermis, this mask helps: make a mixture of 30 g of cottage cheese and 2 large spoons of warm milk, mix thoroughly and use as intended. The duration of the procedures described above is 15 minutes.

To eliminate wrinkles

This mask is suitable for oily, dry and mixed skin types. Its main purpose is to smooth out wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise carrying out the procedure within 2 weeks. The product is based on live yeast. You should not use a dry product; it will not help achieve the desired result.

Note! If there are inflammatory foci on the epidermis, using a yeast mask is prohibited!

To prepare you will need to prepare the following:

  • two teaspoons of yeast;
  • 6 small spoons of warm milk, but not hot;
  • a teaspoon of liquid honey;
  • 2 small spoons of starch;
  • 8 drops of vitamin A and 4 drops of vitamin E.

The preparation procedure is as follows: pour the yeast with milk, leave to stand for 20 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and stir thoroughly. Apply for 15 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips!

For pull-ups

Masks with a tightening effect are relevant for women over 30 years old. The skin gradually begins to fade, wrinkles appear, and firmness and elasticity are lost. A home remedy with the following ingredients can help tighten the epidermis:

  • a large spoon of pink clay;
  • vitamin A ampoule;
  • 30 ml green tea.

The tea drink should be without flavorings. To prepare the cosmetic mass, you need to pour tea into the clay, add vitamin, and stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The effect of the product should last 25 minutes.

To tone and cleanse

Such masks help cleanse the epidermis, remove sebaceous plugs from pores, increase tissue tone, normalize blood circulation, and improve the appearance of the face. There is a recipe for different types of cover.

Women with oily skin are recommended to use white clay. Pour two large spoons of the product with water to form a thick paste. Add egg white, 3 drops of lemon juice, 5 ml of liquid honey. The prepared product resembles sour cream in appearance. Keep the mask until completely dry.

You can also clean and tone dry skin using white clay. Only milk is used instead of water. You will need to make a mixture of a tablespoon of clay product, two large spoons of milk, 5 ml of honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply for 15 minutes.

If you have normal skin, a tonic based on lemon zest is ideal. Mix chicken yolk, 20 ml of low-fat sour cream, chopped peel of one lemon. Wash off after half an hour.

For whitening

Women often look for ways to eliminate age spots, freckles, and redness on the face. The following mask recipes will help achieve this goal:

  • grate the cucumber and mix with sour cream. Apply to skin for 20 minutes;
  • Combine liquid honey and lemon juice in equal proportions. Soak gauze in the prepared liquid and apply to the face. Action time is 15 minutes.

Attention! A face mask at home should be selected taking into account the type of epidermis. Otherwise, there is no need to wait for effectiveness. If you have doubts about the correct determination of your skin type, it is better to seek help from a cosmetologist.


Thus, the lightest face masks can be made at home from natural ingredients. Such products are no less effective than store-bought ones, and have the great advantage of safety. To choose the right recipe, you need to know exactly your skin type and existing problems.

Facial skin is one of the most vulnerable places not only for the fair sex, but also for men. Therefore, we need to keep it in good shape and condition to look great and keep our natural clothes healthy and shiny. Let's consider the best homemade face masks, recipes, as well as recommendations from leading experts.

Homemade acne masks

Acne is a problem that affects not only teenagers and young adults, but also adult women and men. This is due to numerous causative factors that cause this skin condition. There are several effective recipes that include homemade acne masks. They will help you deal with those red and yellow spots on your face.

  1. Mask based on laundry soap. This is a traditional Russian recipe, characterized by its cheapness, availability and effectiveness. Its action is based on the drying and cleansing properties of the product. You need to take a piece of good soap, wet it slightly and apply it to each pimple in a targeted manner. It is better to make the mask at night; you can keep it on for up to 12 hours.
  2. Recipes clay based. Everyone knows the adsorbent properties of this natural substance, which absorbs harmful components and cleanses the skin of toxins, relieving the inflammatory process. You can use absolutely any formulations that are offered in pharmacies. To improve the result, it is better to mix clay not just with water, but with milk and vegetable oil. The product is applied to the entire face for 15 minutes, and the total duration of the course is up to 7 procedures.
  3. Yeast masks against acne. This simplest product can be the main cosmetic ingredient. To use it, you need to dilute the yeast in water until a thick paste forms, and then apply the composition to the facial skin. It is best to provide this composition with a few drops of lemon juice. You need to do it twice a week and keep it until it dries completely.
  4. Compositions with egg white. This is a great product that will help clear up skin lesions and prevent new breakouts. The product has regenerating properties, the ability to eliminate oily shine and marks after pimples. You can add lemon juice or the appropriate essential oil to the whipped egg whites. You need to keep the composition for 20 minutes.

By regularly performing these simple steps from any recipe, you will notice results within a few days. Pimples will disappear, and the skin will even out and gain a healthy glow, smoothness and silkiness.

The simplest recipes for blackheads

If you need to take measures to get rid of blackheads, the following recipes are suitable.

  1. Mixture made from honey and apple. This composition helps cleanse, nourish and overall soften the skin. You need to take a small apple and 5 spoons of liquid honey. The fruit is grated and mixed with a beekeeping product. The prepared mixture is applied to the face for 1/6 hour. All that remains is to rinse with cold water.
  2. Kefir mask. This product will “whiten” blackheads and help remove them as quickly as possible. It will also soften the skin, provide it with the necessary nutrition, that is, supply it with vitamins. For cooking, you need to take liquid honey and lemon juice in equal parts, twice as much kefir. All this is mixed and applied to the face with massage movements. After 10 minutes, the composition can be washed off with water.
  3. Recipe with pepper and cottage cheese. The essence of its action is to instantly cleanse pores and remove blackheads. It is best to use goat milk-based cottage cheese and ground pepper in the amount of half a spoon. All this is rubbed and applied to the T-zone for 15 minutes.
  4. Mask based on oatmeal. This product is famous for its whitening and cleansing properties, as well as its ability to vitaminize the skin. For cooking you will need grapefruit juice in the amount of 50 ml and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. After mixing, the composition is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

So, we looked at the best homemade face masks, the recipes were borrowed from real cosmetic professionals.

Rejuvenating face masks

Always looking young and attractive is the dream of every woman. If you want to be the center of attention and delight others with the beauty of your skin, we offer you to study ancient proven recipes.

  • Facilities based on vitamin greens. Dill, sorrel, nettle, coltsfoot are suitable. They should be young and are used to beat into a paste and apply to the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes.
  • Fruit masks. As the main component, you can take apple, strawberry, banana puree or carrot juice. You can add cottage cheese and vegetable oils with anti-aging effects to these components.
  • Masks potato based. If the skin is oily, the ideal recipe is boiled potatoes in their jackets, to which 2 tablespoons of kefir and 1 liter are added. lemon juice composition.
  • Mask from cabbage leaf. This is the simplest and most effective remedy. To use it, a vegetable leaf is boiled in milk and then ground with it to a paste. When warm, the product is applied to the face and neck.

To achieve the effect of a rejuvenating face mask, it is important to prepare it correctly and use it regularly.

Anti-wrinkle masks and their recipes

With age, THEY always appear and make themselves felt - the hated wrinkles. Therefore, homemade formulations can serve well. Let's look at the best homemade face masks, recipes and features of their use.

  • Means on beeswax. You need to take a little of this product, tsp. honey, onion. The wax is melted and cooled, it should have a plasticine consistency. At this time, grate the onion to extract juice in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. The components are mixed and the paste is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  • Gelatin composition against wrinkles. You can dilute this component with water, milk, fruit juice. For effectiveness, experts advise adding a small amount of base or essential oil to the composition.
  • Masks from bodyaga. This powder has the best recommendations; you need to take it in the amount of a teaspoon and dilute it with an identical volume of hydrogen peroxide. The composition is applied to the affected areas with wrinkles for 10 minutes. twice a week.

These anti-wrinkle masks are designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and have a tremendous impact.

Moisturizers for your skin

You can make moisturizing formulations from one component; they help improve blood circulation and stabilize moisture balance. Such No. 1 products include grapefruit, vegetable oils, sour cream and kefir, honey, aloe, and cucumber. You can make combinations of these elements or use them separately, and the result will not be long in coming.

Whitening face masks

Whitening face masks are used to lighten blemishes and age spots. Compositions such as activated carbon, yeast, lemon juice, baking soda, and clay have the best effect. All of them lighten the skin and can be used separately. To soften the effect, it is recommended to add a small amount of essential oil to each component.

So, we looked at the best homemade face masks, recipes and recommendations. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum about treatment with folk remedies.

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More and more women prefer natural products to care for their skin. Homemade cosmetics not only have a low cost, but also have the same properties as store-bought ones. One of…

The oily liquid obtained by cold pressing from castor bean seeds has remarkable properties, which has allowed the product to gain considerable popularity in cosmetology. A face mask with castor oil at home can…

Bodyaga is a natural material that can combat many defects of the epidermis. Using cosmetics based on it, you can easily eliminate age spots, acne, scars and other imperfections. Masks for...

The sudden appearance of numerous pimples on the face is a problem familiar to many women. They very rarely disappear on their own, and it will take a lot of time. Using a face mask for acne at home...

Clay masks are distinguished by their natural composition, mild effect and high efficiency. This cosmetic product is extremely easy to use and is perfect for home treatments. Face masks L'Oreal magic...

Starch consists of dietary fiber, carbohydrates, calcium and many other microelements necessary for the body. Therefore, the substance is successfully used in cosmetology. Homemade face masks with starch for wrinkles after...

Aromatic oil, which is produced from olive fruits, has long been an almost indispensable component in cosmetology. With this wonderful product you can correct many skin defects and even do incredible things...

When taking care of your skin on your own, a face mask with coconut oil at home gives a very good effect. After all, this oil is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetic care products...

Withering, wrinkles, loss of elasticity are the first signs of impending old age, which no one can prevent. Despite the sad inevitability, you can delay aging for a long time by using the help of professional products offered by famous cosmetics...

Cosmetic products such as face masks with essential oils have long been popular due to their high effectiveness and affordability. These masks are quite easy to prepare at home and…

Face masks made from oils at home are an affordable and effective way to improve the condition of the skin, allowing you to restore its tone and give additional freshness. There is a large selection of recipes designed for…

After reaching 45 years of age, the skin of the face requires especially careful care using effective anti-aging products. If you want to look younger than your age, you don’t have to spend money on expensive visits to cosmetologists. ...

For many centuries, beekeeping products have been used in cosmetology. One of the most popular, effective and fast-acting remedies is natural honey. With its help, you can restore skin tone, smoothness and silkiness,…

Delicate, silky and elastic skin without wrinkles and pimples is the dream of every woman. In pursuit of the ideal, representatives of the fair sex are ready to do a lot - they buy expensive cosmetics, make...

Every woman dreams of always looking young and attractive. In order to prevent premature aging, to make the skin much softer, more tender and more elastic, it is not at all necessary to turn to plastic surgeons. Mask for...

It is difficult to find a representative of the fair half of humanity who would not dream of beautiful, blemish-free skin. Sebaceous glands clogged with fat and dust are no less unpleasant a defect than acne, and effort...

The most important and first step in carrying out beauty care procedures is high-quality skin cleansing. Every day, many harmful substances settle on our face and often the usual gel for washing and cleansing...

Black dots that appear on the face can cause many unpleasant moments. Many women begin to look for miraculous recipes, resorting to the help of both folk remedies and expensive drugs. One of the most effective…

Oily skin causes many problems. Overactive sebaceous glands lead to an unnatural, unhealthy shine on the face, which looks more than unsightly. In addition, sebaceous fat causes clogged pores,…

Not everyone can afford to visit good beauty salons, but all women want to be beautiful and young. The solution is to make do with homemade cosmetics, the results of which are often not...

The effect of anti-aging agents, which are so rich in traditional medicine, can often compete with the results of procedures carried out in beauty salons. Unlike injection procedures, homemade mixtures are completely safe, and...

For many women, an insufficient level of moisture in the body causes discomfort, causing a feeling of tightness and flaking of the facial skin. This type of dermis requires the selection of effective means that can normalize its condition. Moisturizing...

Blockage of the sebaceous glands with dead skin cells and dust particles is a direct path to blackheads (comedones). Skin cells stop receiving the necessary amount of oxygen, which leads not only to deterioration of health,…

A face film mask at home is a good way to cleanse the skin, tighten enlarged pores, get rid of blackheads, and saturate the dermis with oxygen. You can buy a ready-made product at any…

The East continues to surprise with interesting new products in the world of cosmetology. Fashionistas who cannot imagine caring for their appearance without interesting products are increasingly falling in love with fabric masks. What are they, the best fabric masks for...

A face mask made of gelatin and milk for blackheads is an excellent alternative to salon procedures. All the necessary components can be found in any kitchen. Mask made of gelatin and milk Mask made of gelatin…

The passage of years cannot be stopped, but it is possible to maintain freshness and youth on your own. Natural face masks for wrinkles at home provide the skin with active elements. Taking into account the characteristics of the age-related epidermis, it is possible to solve the main...

Activated carbon can find application not only in medicine. This inexpensive drug is widely used for cosmetic purposes. A homemade activated carbon face mask is a popular remedy…

Whatever skin type you have, you need to take care of its beauty and health. The best assistant for this will be a mask. Cosmetic masks not only nourish the skin, they restore water balance, improve blood circulation, and also fight various rashes and redness.

It is not necessary to spend large sums of money on cosmetics from the store. The best mask is one prepared at home. This is the only way you can be sure that all its components are of natural origin and not treated with preservatives.

There are four types of skin. For each of them, special masks have been developed that can solve all problems - from peeling to greasy shine. The best ones have been selected for you.

Determining your skin type

Before using the mask, determine your skin type. If your pores quickly become dirty and your face has an unnatural greasy shine, you have oily skin. If you can’t leave the house without moisturizer, and the skin on your face is constantly peeling, it means dry.

If the T-zone on your face quickly becomes dirty and glows with an unhealthy shine, and the rest of your face becomes dry and flaky, you have a combination type. In the case where the facial skin does not cause any special problems and has a good structure, this is a normal skin type.

Masks for oily skin

Citrus mask: Squeeze the juice of lemon, orange and grapefruit. Add honey to the juice. Then apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off the mask. It perfectly dries the skin, fights acne and nourishes the skin with vitamins.

Tomato mask p regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and draws out toxins from the pores. Grind the tomato in a blender to a paste, add oatmeal for thickness and apply to face for 15 minutes.

Bran mask rejuvenates and regenerates the skin, has a mattifying effect. Pour rye or wheat bran with warm milk and leave for 20 minutes. Afterwards, apply the mixture for 25 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Parsley mask refreshes the skin and helps get rid of oily shine. Finely chop the parsley, add the egg yolk and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Then apply the mask for 20 minutes.

White clay mask

White clay is an excellent antioxidant. Mix it with talcum powder, add 3 tablespoons of alcohol and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face and leave until completely dry. This mask penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, eliminating inflammation. You will get rid not only of acne, but also of oily shine on your face.

Turmeric mask

Turmeric is not only a pleasant-tasting spice. You can make a useful mask out of it. It perfectly fights inflammatory processes on the skin and protects it from further rashes. Moreover, turmeric heals wounds and resolves scars. Mix a teaspoon of spice with aloe juice until a viscous mass is obtained. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes.

Horseradish mask: Mix horseradish juice with lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Add a spoonful of rich sour cream and apply a thick layer to your face. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off. This mask not only prevents acne but also has an excellent brightening effect. It can be used for problems such as pigmentation.

Cabbage mask Suitable for combating acne, age spots and freckles. Finely chop the cabbage and squeeze the juice out of it, add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Wipe your face with the resulting liquid and apply the remaining paste. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

Masks for dry skin

Carrot mask: Grate the carrots and mix them with the egg yolk. Apply the mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes. It saturates the skin with vitamins that maintain the skin's water balance. Remember that carrots have a coloring effect. Don't make a mask right before leaving the house.

Chocolate mask can be an excellent moisturizer. Melt the milk chocolate in a water bath, add the yolk and sour cream. Apply the sweet mixture to your face and leave until completely dry. Rinse with warm water without soap.

Sea buckthorn mask moisturizes and exfoliates the skin well. Mix 1 tablespoon of sea buckthorn with the yolk until smooth and apply for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Watermelon mask moisturizes the skin well, relieves burning sensation, removes peeling. Mix 2 cups of watermelon juice with a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. Apply the liquid to the face, neck and décolleté using a cotton pad. Rinse off after two hours with cool water.

Masks for combination and normal skin

Masks for combination skin

Strawberry mask– this is both beneficial for the skin and excellent aromatherapy. Boil an egg, finely chop the yolk, chop the strawberries in a blender and mix with the yolk. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

Kefir mask has amazing nutritional properties, it is enough to do it once a week. Grind the oatmeal in a blender and mix it with kefir until a creamy mass is obtained. Apply for 25 minutes and rinse.

Peach mask especially relevant in the summer. It saturates the skin with beneficial microelements and cleanses pores. Squeeze the juice out of the peaches and set the pulp aside on a separate plate. Apply the juice to a thick cloth and place it on your face. Place peach puree on top. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes.

Potato mask relieves swelling and swelling, and also helps restore the water balance of the skin. Grind one potato on a grater and add soda on the tip of a knife. Add an egg, a tablespoon of milk powder and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the mixture. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes.

Masks for normal skin

Tea mask disinfects the skin and removes impurities accumulated during the day. Antioxidants contained in tea leaves regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Brew 1 tablespoon of natural, non-granular tea. Leave it to brew for 40 minutes, soak a cotton pad in the infusion, and wipe your face with it. Leave for an hour and rinse with cool water.

Yogurt mask nourishes the skin with proteins and cleanses pores. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to regular yogurt and leave the mixture for 20 minutes.

Apple mask tones the skin and gives it healthy glow. Grind the apple in a blender, add a spoonful of honey or egg white to the resulting puree, apply for 25 minutes.

What kind of face masks do you make at home?

Ekaterina ANTIPOVA