Electronic interactive didactic multimedia manual. Educational book - the best gift for a preschooler Stories about children

It all starts with learning the alphabet. If classes are held in a playful way, without coercion, the child will enjoy learning. When letters begin to merge into syllables, and syllables into words, a whole world of the unknown opens up to the baby. Of course, this does not happen immediately. Before a child begins to read books on his own, he needs to learn a lot.

Choosing books when teaching reading

The example of parents plays an important role in developing the habit of reading. If it is customary to read in the family, the baby will unconsciously strive for this model of behavior. An important factor is the selection of books to read.

Literature should be selected according to age. No matter how much parents would like to quickly introduce their three-year-old to the magical story of Alice in Wonderland, they should not read complex works to a child at this age. Children have certain stages of mental development.

In preschool age, visual-figurative thinking predominates. This means that children perceive images and pictures best.

It is difficult for them to imagine, without relying on pictures and life experience, something that they have not seen with their own eyes. Reading is a complex process from a physiological point of view. To read one word requires the simultaneous operation of several analyzers. You need to see a letter, recognize it, pronounce the sound it represents, then combine it with the next letter. For adults, this takes minimal time. With age, rapid reading develops due to the instant recognition not of individual letters, but of entire words. While the child is small and just learning to read, this takes a significant amount of time. This is why it is so important to consider the child’s age when choosing books.

The most accessible works are poetry. They are read to children from birth. From about two years old, you can start reading short stories. For older children, longer stories and stories divided into chapters are suitable.

When choosing works to read, you need to remember the interests of the child.

If this is a boy, fairy tales in which the heroes are distinguished by courage, honesty and bravery are suitable. Fairy tales about princesses and princesses are more suitable for girls. This is not a rule, just statistics. All children are different.

If a boy likes the fairy tale about the Little Mermaid, there is nothing scary or strange about it. Girls sometimes also like stories about brave heroes and exciting adventures. The interests of a child in preschool age indicate his abilities and temperament.

Parents should pay close attention to their child’s interests in order to be able to support and help in a timely manner.

The benefits of reading aloud to a child

If parents who rarely read aloud to their children think that once their child learns to read, they will love it, they are mistaken. Although not yet able to read, the baby understands a lot.

Reading stories and fairy tales to a preschooler develops imagination and expands vocabulary.

Reading is mandatory for children with speech delays. The child perceives the text being read, grasps logical connections, and learns a lot of new things. This certainly has a positive effect on mental and intellectual development.

What books should a preschooler read?

There is no clear list of literature that should be read in preschool age. There are only sample lists.

For preschoolers, the goal is not yet to read a certain number of books. Children learn to read and love this process.

The selection of preschool literature is huge. Finding your way around a bookstore can be difficult. Along with the works of recognized classics of children's literature, there are worthy books by modern authors.

To understand so many books, you need to know what a book is for at this age.

Novels and short stories are suitable for adults to read aloud to a child. The stories need to be read chapter by chapter. Before starting a new chapter, you need to remember the previous one with your child. For independent reading, you will need short works with large font.

For the first reading there are adapted works. These are fairy tales originally intended for older adults, but shortened to an accessible version. Usually these are famous fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Cinderella”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “The Wolf and the Fox”, etc.

Fairy tales and tales

  • Stories about Dunno (except for the book “Dunno on the Moon”, which is read in elementary school).
  • "The Wizard of Oz" and its sequels.
  • "Doctor Aibolit" and his prototype - "Doctor Dolittle".
  • Foreign fairy tales by H. C. Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, etc.
  • Russian folk tales about heroes, Ivan the Fool, etc.
  • Works of Russian classics, for example A. Pushkin (“Golden Fish”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, etc.).

Stories about children

  • Stories about Lela and Minka by Mikhail Zoshchenko.
  • Stories by Nikolai Nosov (“Mishkina porridge”, “Dreamers”, “Living Hat”, etc.).
  • Funny short stories by Viktor Golyavkin.
  • “Denis’s stories” by Viktor Dragunsky (those in which Denis is still a preschooler).
  • Small funny stories by Irina Pivovarova.

Children's poems

Children's poets: A. Barto, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov etc. Everyone knows them, regardless of age and generation. Children's poems have simple, understandable rhymes and an easy, interesting plot.

Children often involuntarily memorize short works and read them by heart.

There are also poems that are suitable for reading to preschoolers S. Yesenin, M. Lermontov, S. Cherny, D. Kharms. These poems will also be of interest to parents.

Works about nature

These books are especially important for preschool reading. Unfortunately, modern children know little about the animal world. Books can stimulate interest in the study of living nature. Children learn about the diversity of birds and animals, and learn from examples to take care of nature.

Reading books about nature should be accompanied by illustrated material.

If a child knows what the characters in the work look like, it becomes more interesting for him.

Books about wildlife will help you better understand lexical topics about birds, animals and insects.

Requirements for works for preschool age

1. Small volume. It increases with age. Long works are best read in parts.

2. Simple sentences without complex literary devices.

3. Large, clear font if independent reading is expected.

4. Attractive illustrations with the characters of the work.

It is best to choose books together with your child. We need to give him the opportunity to make his own choice. Buying books can be turned into a pleasant family tradition. The baby will happily wait for this event to read a new book.

If your family budget does not allow you to buy books often, you can sign up for a children's library. Modern libraries have a wide selection of high-quality and beautiful children's literature. The fund is carefully monitored and updated. In addition, this is a reason to teach your child to take care of books.

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The development of a child during preschool childhood occurs at a rapid pace that boggles the imagination. It passes simultaneously in several directions, each of which should be given attention. This responsible task falls on the shoulders of adults, who at first take care of the still unintelligent baby. The control function is also relevant at an older age, coinciding with the period of formation of ideas about such concepts as “good” and “bad,” “good” and “evil.”

For many years, books have been associated with sources of knowledge. Not so long ago, the level of well-being and intellectual development of a family was assessed by the number of books and periodicals available in the house, from which people (including children) drew new information.

Nowadays, the fascinating world of books is one of the few ways to distract children from watching TV and computer games. During moments of reading aloud, the strengthening of connections between an adult and a child is recorded. The attention paid to the baby at this stage will pay off handsomely in the future. A child who is aware of his own importance will eventually turn into a conscious citizen who knows how to defend his own point of view and cares about his elders.

Ideally, on a bookshelf reserved for children's books, there will be space for diverse samples of printed products. As practice shows, time-tested masterpieces of the classics are able to coexist peacefully with the geniuses of our time. In terms of demand among children and parents, fairy tales and funny stories are successfully rivaled by publications focused on children's creativity. The range of such literature is very diverse. It includes manuals on design, drawing, modeling, appliqué, etc.

Parents, aware of the importance of the comprehensive development of their beloved child, focus on purchasing publications that are worthy from their point of view. Books that appeal to children are re-read many times, and do not lie like dead weight on a shelf. At the stage of forming the children's part of the library, it is advisable to remember your own childhood and sketch out a list of books that aroused genuine interest at one time. Friends and close relatives will help you complete the list. You can get acquainted with new book releases using the Internet. To do this, just enter the appropriate query in the search bar and read the reviews.

Children of older preschool age can visit bookstores with adults. It is quite possible that during such visits, young book lovers will pay attention to the design of a particular book and want to read it. Introducing a child to regular reading is a complex process. Parents should not discourage their child from doing something useful. Purchasing publications that your child likes helps maintain interest in reading and increase the desire to acquire new knowledge.

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Permanent leaders

On the fairy tales of A.S. Several generations have grown up in Pushkin. Both pensioners and preschool children who are taking their first steps on the path of life are familiar with the work of the legendary poet.
The works of the great master of words top more than a dozen lists of books recommended for reading during preschool childhood.

Russian folk tales, unobtrusively glorifying hard work, truthfulness, compassion, kindness, and love for the motherland, are classified as a separate group in Russian literature. Republished books from the Soviet period are in great demand. High-quality copies delight with good content and colorful illustrations. The latter included “The Cat's House”, “Children in a Cage”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “Mustachioed and Striped” by Samuil Marshak, “Vasily the Cat” by Alexei Krylov and poems by Agnia Barto. Easy-to-remember poetic lines introduce children to unfamiliar facets of the surrounding reality. Little ones do not remain indifferent to the adventures of such world-famous book heroes as Carlson, Pinocchio, etc.

Age preferences

At the stage of choosing books, it is advisable to take into account the age of the child. Parents should remember that children who cannot read are not capable of comprehending large texts with complex content. Until the fourth birthday, the majority of mothers and fathers concentrate on the development of the baby. Following the advice of eminent luminaries in the field of pedagogy, parents give preference to educational literature. Such publications are focused on the formation of spatial and figurative thinking. They expand the preschooler’s understanding of the world around him and help expand his vocabulary.

Books for younger preschool age

“White City” pleased couples raising children who have not crossed the three-year age limit. “My first book. My favorite. From 6 months to 3 years” was highly appreciated by many parents due to the publication’s inherent brevity and accessibility of presentation. Even preschoolers who have not reached the age of three, learning from this book, have an understanding of simple geometric shapes, can pronounce the names of berries, vegetables and fruits, and distinguish a truck from a fire truck and an excavator from a crane. Designed for babies of this age and “Baby’s First Book. Encyclopedia for children from 6 months and older."

Consumers also liked “Smart Books” (Makhaon publishing house) and “School of the Seven Dwarfs” (Mosaika-Sintez publishing house), aimed at children aged 2-3 years. A characteristic feature of the learning process established with their help is the accessibility of the material, explained by the playful form of presentation. This principle is fundamental for all developmental books published for children of the specified age category. Thanks to these books, preschoolers can easily master their first letters, read their first words in their lives, learn to tell time, develop logical thinking skills and become familiar with the simplest mathematical terms.

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Many parents cannot refuse to purchase so-called toy books. In addition to literary ones, they have gaming and educational functions. Some samples (for example, “Tumbler Rattles/My First Words/Moms and Babies”) are allowed to be bitten and shaken. This series also includes “Puzzle Books/Moms and Babies.”

Many kids love working with stickers. The “School for Kids” is aimed at such children. U Many stickers for children 2 years old. Educational book with stickers" and an educational game poster "Let's go, swim, fly", equipped with stickers intended for reusable use.

In addition to the classics, the creativity of modern masters of the pen is in demand.
The fairy tale “Serezhik” (author Elena Rakitina) introduces young readers to a little hedgehog, whose adventures are followed with interest by both children and their parents. The poetic lines of Julia Donaldson (“The Snail and the Whale”, “I Want to Go to Mama”, “Charlie Cook’s Favorite Book”, “The Gruffalo. A Tale in Verse”) are as popular as Anne Hogard’s stories about a donkey named Muffin and his cheerful friends. Rhyming stories and prose aimed at children teach children to intuitively sense goodness and perform morally correct actions.

Among the unusual publications, the “Living Book” by the artist Hervé Tulle (France) should be noted. Interactive interaction is based on the imagination of the baby. This approach excludes the possibility of using digital devices that are popular today. The reaction of parents to this experiment is mixed.

Among the children's authors who prefer the traditional style of presenting material is O. Zemtsova (“Developing attention for 2-3 years” and “Literacy. 2-3 years”). She is accompanied by O. Gromova and L. Pavlova (“More about the bunny”), E. Karganova (“Chunya”), as well as M. Rosen and H. Oxenbury (“Let’s go catch a bear”) and S. Teplyuk (“Book - a dream about that same Bunny, about birthdays, about big and small and quiet poems. Children from 1-3").

Little ones who are prone to creativity can purchase the publication “Learning to Sculpt. Art album for activities with children 1-3 years old" (author Koldina D.).

Books for older preschool age

Growing up children need variety. During this period, the bookshelves allocated for children should contain a sufficient number of both domestic and foreign fairy tales. Invented stories can be diluted with children's poems and stories, age-appropriate encyclopedias and copies included in the Children's Leisure series.

For several years, Roni Oren with his “Secrets of Plasticine” has been a confident leader in a wide variety of popularity lists. This book opens the door to the magical world of plasticine. Both children and adults can work on creating funny characters. The hours spent doing an exciting activity fly by unnoticed. In moments of creativity, kids do not remember either the computer or the TV, which especially pleases caring mothers and fathers. In addition, the book provides invaluable assistance in organizing family leisure, makes parents remember their own childhood and brings them closer to their children.

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You can start getting acquainted with the literary world rich in emotions with “Poems and fairy tales for the little ones” (Marshak S.), “Book of fairy tales by V. Suteev” (Chukovsky K., Suteev V.), “Poems and fairy tales for kids in drawings by V. .Suteev" (Mikhalkov S. and others) or "Tales of Chukovsky in pictures by Vladimir Suteev" (Chukovsky K.). The domestic fairy tale category can be supplemented by “Tales from Tears” (Kutovaya M.), “Tales from Whims” (Stolbova A.) and fairy tales by Gennady Tsyferov.

Such works as:

  • “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all” (Zakhoder B., Milne A.A.);
  • “The Wizard of the Emerald City” (Volkov A.);
  • “Crocodile Gena and his friends” (Uspensky E.);
  • “The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin: A True Tale” (Druzhkov Yu.);
  • “Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City” (Nosov N.);
  • “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” (A. Tolstoy);
  • “Silver Hoof” (Bazhov P.).

Stories for children written by L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, A. Gaidar and L. Panteleev are also classified as classics.

The following publications also received high parental ratings:

  • “Winter Book” and “Summer Book” (Berner Rotraut S.);
  • “Shake, Hello! And other tales" (Kozlov S.);
  • “Once upon a time there were hedgehogs” (Usachev A.);
  • “Walking in the Forest” (Makhotin S.);
  • "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (Carl E.);
  • “Ukhti-Tukht” (Potter B.);
  • “Big city, little bunny, or honey for mom” (Malkovich I.);
  • “What to do if...” (Petranovskaya L.);
  • “Daisies in January” (Plyatskovsky M.);
  • “Polite Elephant” (V. Lunin and others);
  • “Girl Masha, doll Natasha and everything, everything, everything”;
  • “Okay. Encyclopedia of Children's Folklore";
  • “Wonderful Stickers: Color Pictures”;
  • “Wonderful stickers. Favorite fairy tales" (Koldina D.);
  • “Piano Karaoke/Winter Songs”;
  • “A great book about Bunny, or useful stories and conversations based on pictures for those who have not yet turned 5.”

Among the world-famous foreign authors, the works of Andersen H. ("The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina"), Gauff V. ("Little Mook"), Scarry R. ("City of Good Deeds"), Graham K. ("Wind") can be offered. in the willows. A fairy tale"), Gianni Rodari ("The Adventures of Cipollino"), as well as fairy tales by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. Less celebrated works that are worthy representatives of foreign literature include Little Lord Fauntleroy (F. H. Burnett), No Family (G. Malo), and Pollyanna (E. Porter).

Primer books are excellent for teaching preschoolers (in particular, “A Primer for Kids from 2 to 5” by E. Bakhtina and “A Primer. Study Guide” by N. Zhukova).

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As for stories about animals, we should remember such names as Konstantin Ushinsky, Nikolai Sladkov and Evgeny Charushin. “Smart Dog Sonya” by A. Usachev is also worthy of attention. Good stories written by Valentina Oseeva.

Books for growth include “The Ballad of a Small Tugboat” (I. Brodsky).

Modern direction

Of the modern masterpieces, first of all it should be noted:

  1. “Cardboard Heart” by Konstantin Sergienko, striking with its inherent poignancy. Even after repeated re-reading, the book evokes a strong emotional response, the depth of which amazes even adults who are immersed in their own affairs.
  2. “Buttery Lisa” by Viktor Lunin;
  3. “Sasha and Masha” Annie M.G. Schmidt;
  4. "Petson and Findus" by Sven Nordqvist.

This list is complemented by “Ferda’s Ant” (author Sekora Ondrej), “Quack and Toads All Year Round” (author Lobel Arnold) and “Peak, Puck, Pock” by Alexey Laptev.

Historical direction

The following publications will help instill in children an interest in history:

  1. “About battles and battles” (E. Shenderovich);
  2. “Funny walks around Moscow” (L. Tokmakov);
  3. “History of Russia for children: time travel, meetings with a wizard, adventures” (L. Borzova, M. Dudarev);
  4. All books telling about the adventures of Paddington Bear (M. Bond);
  5. Fairy tales of the peoples of Russia in the “Mountain of Gems” series, based on the cartoons of the Pilot studio (“Ruby”, “Pearl”, “Amber”, “Sapphire”, “Emerald”);
  6. Encyclopedia for children “We live in the Stone Age” (E. Zavershneva);
  7. “Russian captive of a French cat” (I. Zhukov);
  8. “Hey is becoming an adult” (E. Boyarskikh).

Interesting books for your home library

A worthy place in the home library will be taken by:

  • "Deniska's Stories" by Viktor Dragunsky;
  • Poems by Daniil Kharms (in particular, “The Cheerful Old Man”);
  • Poems by Yunna Moritz (for example, “The Roof Was Driving Home”);
  • “Honest Word” by L. Panteleev;
  • Stories by Yuri Koval;
  • Stories by Sergei Kozlov.


The fun of reading is not limited to educational and entertainment functions. The right books can become priceless family heirlooms, fostering mutual understanding between parents and children and being carefully passed on to future generations.

As practice shows, children do not remain indifferent to the fate of their bookish peers who find themselves in a difficult life situation and are forced to extricate themselves from a difficult situation. The inner strength inherent in the heroes convinces preschoolers that they can cope with the assigned tasks. Prominent examples of such books are Pollyanna, Little Lord Fauntleroy and No Family, which help nurture the spirit and instill empathy skills.

Children perceive the surrounding reality differently than adults, but with age we, parents, forget about this. To understand this issue,...

Quite often, Cippolino and Buratino also find themselves in difficult situations, preferring to get out of difficult situations in adventurous ways. The importance of such books in early childhood cannot be underestimated. Adults are obliged to provide the child with various examples of literary creativity. The latter should include funny stories that give the child positive emotions and unobtrusively captivate him into the magical world of the printed word.

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Preschool age is one of the most interesting in a child’s life. The baby is interested in everything, he asks a lot of questions. It's time for educational books. They will help you better understand the world, prepare for future studies and discover your talents.

When going to visit friends who have preschool children, bring an entertaining educational book. This gift will appeal to both children and adults.

When choosing a book, pay attention to a number of criteria:

  • Simple explanations of tasks: even if you don’t understand what is required, put this book down;
  • More pictures: the volume of illustrations is at least 75%;
  • Learning through play: tasks in a playful way, learning should be interesting.

We have selected for you 13 interesting books for preschool age

1. Children's alphabet in pictures

A child’s first book should contain many high-quality illustrations. A simple “letter-picture” scheme makes it easier to memorize and instills interest in reading. You can give a themed alphabet.

If your preschooler loves animals, buy him an alphabet book with examples from the animal world. If you like trees, then the forest one.

2. “Why and therefore. Encyclopedia for preschool children" by O. Korchagina

Little thinkers ask many “why” questions every day. Make it easier for parents and give your child a children's encyclopedia.

Together with adults, the child will begin to learn the secrets of the world around him and will receive answers to many questions.

3. “Unusual Drawing” by E. Rumyantsev

What child doesn't like to draw? But this is not just fun. Drawing develops imagination, creativity and love for art.

In the workbook, the child will be able to draw with pencil, watercolor, and gouache. Parents, with the help of simple game tasks from the book, will help him master the basics of different drawing techniques.

4. “The Golden Book of the Best Crafts” by T. Shnurovozov, A. Shcheglova

Crafts are a great way to develop fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Handicrafts, modeling, appliques, figures made from salt dough, natural materials - all crafts are given in the books with step-by-step instructions and explanations.

Give this book to your child's parents and let them create together - a common cause will bring them closer together.

5. “Mathematics and Logic” from the “Savvy” series by Yu. Mayorov

This book contains tasks for the development of mathematical abilities and logic. Numbers, geometric shapes, counting.

Fun exercises train memory, observation and attention.

6. Family and Friends: Alphabet Book, Oxford University Press

As a rule, foreign languages ​​are easy for preschoolers. Why not give your friends a baby educational toy in English.

Choose textbooks from foreign publishers. As a rule, both young and adult students achieve great success with them.

7. “Riddles, counting rhymes and tongue twisters” by O. Ushakov

A wonderful, fascinating book. Riddles develop memory and ingenuity, tongue twisters develop speech. You and your child will have fun reading.

You can even organize an evening of riddles for family and friends. It will be interesting for guests of any age.

8. “The unknown is near. Experiments for preschoolers" O. Dybina

If you bring this book as a gift, I think not only the baby, but also his father will be grateful to you. Men and children at any age love to have fun, and here there is such scope for activity.

The experiments described are not dangerous and do not require large material costs, but are very interesting.

9. “Finds.” We walk and play - we get to know the world" K. Dryzlova, Z. Suvorova

The book describes a lot of ways to have fun in the park, in the forest and even on the beach, and gives many creative tasks for children and parents.

Outdoor games and exercises will make restless boys and girls strong, brave and dexterous.

And after such an active and educational walk, children will sleep well and parents will have time to relax. Believe me, they will appreciate it.

10. “I will grow up healthy” book series “School of the Seven Dwarfs”

The book is dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. She will teach the baby useful habits. For example, brushing your teeth, doing morning exercises, and talking about proper nutrition.

“The School of the Seven Dwarfs” has several more useful developments: “How to cross the road”, “Time and space”, “How our ancestors lived”.

11. “Secrets of Man” A. Stovell

Another encyclopedia in our selection. By giving this book to your parent friends, you will help them correctly answer the questions: Where do we come from? Why does hair grow? Where does the food go?

Interest in one's own body is an important stage in the life of children. If dad and mom answer such questions as clearly and correctly as possible, this will help the harmonious development of the child.

12. “Happy Hours” by O. Zemtsov

Thanks to this educational book, your child will learn to tell time. Visual illustrations and material in a playful way will allow a preschooler to independently determine by the clock the time for sleep, lunch, waking up or time for games.

Moreover, the baby will learn to understand time, both mechanical and electronic watches.

13. “Maps.” Travel in pictures across continents, seas and cultures" Alexander and Daniel Mizelinsky

A geographical map can be a boring picture from a printing house, or it can become a game that develops imagination and memory. We suggest you buy just such an entertaining card as a gift for your baby and his parents.

The book by Alexander and Daniel Mizelinsky is reminiscent of ancient maps with a lot of interesting and unusual facts about 41 states. It will be interesting for everyone - both children and adults.

Parents and baby will visit amazing corners of the world without leaving home. They will walk along the Chinese wall, marvel at the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, climb Everest, say hello to the queen in England and find out which names are the most popular in Mexico.

How to choose the most worthy publications from a huge number of children's books? Those that will not just stand on the shelf, but will be re-read and carefully stored in the children's library. You can trust your own intuition or the opinion of friends, or you can see what other parents write about a particular book.

On the website of the Labyrinth online store, customers leave reviews of the books they have purchased and read and discuss a variety of aspects, from the author’s intention to the typographic execution. The more interesting the publication, the more reviews it has.

We selected books with the largest number of reader reviews, dividing them into three groups: books for toddlers, books for preschoolers and books for children 7-10 years old, to tell why these publications are the most loved by parents and children.

What do they read to the little ones?

Children do not yet know how to read and cannot comprehend large and complex texts. At the age of up to 4 years, parents focus on the development of the child, trusting educational authors and books with an educational focus. Such books develop figurative and spatial thinking, vocabulary, and tell the child about the world around him. "My first book. My favorite", published by "White City", has become a real "lifesaver" for those who have children aged 3-6 years old. The book was loved by many for its accessible presentation and brevity. Parents call the publication useful. “A child aged one and a half years knows geometric shapes, distinguishes a fire engine from a truck, a crane from an excavator, knows and distinguishes fruits, vegetables and berries,” writes one of the mothers.

No less popular among parents are the books in the “School of the Seven Dwarfs” series by the publishing house “Mosaika-Sintez” and “Smart Books” for children 2-3 years old by the publishing house “Makhaon”. With these books, they will be the first to learn letters and words, determine time, and introduce the basics of logic and mathematics. Teaching children in an accessible and playful manner is the main principle of educational books for children, and the accessibility of the material presented is primarily appreciated by parents.

Toy books that combine literary, educational, and gaming functions are bought for all children. For example, the rattle book “My First Words, Mom and Babies” can be shaken and even bitten. The main requirements that parents place on toy books are quality, safety and durability of materials.

Some publishers offer new and conceptual approaches to developing creative abilities - the book by the French artist Hervé Tulle is one of these. The reaction is mixed: some are delighted, others express skepticism. The book offers a completely new and, at the same time, long-forgotten interactive format without the use of any digital devices or other technical means. The main tool is the child’s imagination.

Parents not only teach their children letters and words, but also read them poems and fairy tales.

Books by modern authors are not inferior to the usual classics. Parents like Elena Rakitina’s fairy tale with drawings by Victoria Kirdiy “Seryozhik” about the adventures of a little hedgehog no less than children. Julia Donaldson's rhyming stories are as popular as Ann Hogard's Muffin the Donkey stories. Poetic or prose form does not matter, the main thing is that these books teach goodness.

Domestic children's classics are also in demand by parents. High-quality reprints of old Soviet books are especially popular. On the one hand, this is a greeting from my own bygone childhood, on the other hand, it is a truly worthy example of good text and illustrations under one cover.

Books for preschoolers

The books on the shelf are becoming more diverse: more fairy tales, folk and original, foreign and domestic, more stories for children and children's poems, children's encyclopedias and books from the "Children's leisure" genre.

Books for primary school children

At the age of 7-10 years, children themselves begin to actively read, although reading to children by adults remains a family tradition. The range of selected fiction and educational literature is becoming wider. The same publications can compete with each other in the quality of illustrations, printing, retellings and translations. Which "Alice in Wonderland" is better? With illustrations by Robert Ingpen, translated by Nina Demurova, or with illustrations by Viktor Chizhikov, retold by Boris Zakhoder?

Some parents are guided only by their own taste, others offer their child a choice, others collect a collection from a wide variety of Lewis Carroll publications.

Preschoolers enjoy reading about Pinocchio or Pinocchio, Carlson, Dunno and other classic childhood heroes. It is at the age of 7-10 years that parents try to introduce their child to the “golden” fund of children's literature, books that are remembered for a lifetime, form a certain layer of culture and are even re-read by adults.

The policy of many children's publishing houses to produce translated children's books appeals to most parents. After all, some books that have long become classics abroad are only now appearing in Russian. Today, the young reader has a chance to get acquainted with the whole variety of world fiction: Jan-Olaf Ekholm, Kate DiCamillo, Gudrun Mebs, Rotraut Susanne Berner and many, many others.

Younger schoolchildren are included in active social processes; they need to find a common language with peers, older children, adults, teachers and parents; the range of children’s interests is expanding. Now they need not only the surrounding objective world, but also science, human relationships, their own psychology and physiology. Educational encyclopedias answer a variety of children's questions. Colorful illustrations, interesting texts, maximum information content - you need to not only interest the child, but also keep his attention.

On an ideal bookshelf in a nursery there is a place for a variety of books: modern authors and classic works, and the latter are a priority for parents, after all, the classics have stood the test of time. Many parents like to be creative with their children: sculpt, draw, design, etc., so books dedicated to children's creativity are chosen and bought no less often than fairy tales. Reading is more than just entertainment or learning. Thus, a good book unites children and parents and becomes a real family heirloom.

Top 40 for children 7-10 years old with the largest number of reviews

  • Ekholm J.-O. "Tutta Karlsson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and Others" - 135 reviews
  • Schmidt A. "Sasha and Masha. Stories for children" - 131 reviews
  • Carroll L. "Alice in Wonderland" - 93 reviews
  • DiCamillo K. "The Amazing Journey of Edward Rabbit" - 89 reviews
  • Ballod I., Rumyantseva I. “About the little pig Plyukh” - 84 reviews
  • Lindgren A. "The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof" - 81 reviews
  • Levin V. "Stupid Horse" - 76 reviews
  • Oren R "Secrets of Plasticine. Dinosaurs" - 71 reviews
  • Sabitova D. "The Glyceria Mouse. Colored and striped days" - 63 reviews
  • Andersen H. "The Snow Queen" - 59 reviews
  • Kozlov S. "Hedgehog's Joy" - 53 reviews
  • Gracheva M. “Learn, draw, invent: coloring book for dreamers and mischief-makers” - 52 reviews
  • Zoshchenko M. "Lelya and Minka" - 51 reviews
  • Simon F., Bue M.-L. "City Life" - 49 reviews
  • Barto A. "I'm growing. Poems" - 48 reviews
  • Nosov N. "Dreamers" - 46 reviews
  • Leschermeyer F. "Princesses" - 44 reviews
  • King-Smith D. "Lady Daisy" - 42 reviews
  • Yakhnin L. "The area of ​​cardboard clocks" - 41 reviews
  • Raud E. "Muff, Low Boot and Moss Beard: A Fairy Tale" - 41 reviews
  • Mebs G. ““Grandma!” - Frieder shouts” - 40 reviews
  • Collodi K. "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - 38 reviews
  • Sapgir G. "Poems" - 37 reviews
  • Snegirev A., Snegireva N. “Keshka in the spotlight” - 36 reviews
  • "Big Children's Encyclopedia" - 36 reviews
  • Tolstoy A. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"
  • Lobe M. "Grandma on the Apple Tree" - 34 reviews
  • Hawking S. "George and the Secrets of the Universe" - 34 reviews
  • Nosov N. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" - 34 reviews
  • Baranovsky M. “I’m raising my dad” — 33 reviews
  • Raskatov M. "The Missing Letter" - 33 reviews
  • Novichkova E., Belyaeva E. “Battle on the Ice” - 33 reviews
  • Pushkin A. "Pushkin's Tales" - 33 reviews
  • Usachev A. "Road rules for future drivers and their parents" - 33 reviews
  • DiCamillo K. “How the Elephant Fell from the Sky” - 32 reviews
  • Gribachev N. "Koska the Hare and His Friends" - 32 reviews
  • Usachev A. "Fairy tales and stories about animals" - 31 reviews
  • Nilsson-Bränström M. "Tzatziki goes to school" - 30 reviews
  • Lavrova S. "Entertaining chemistry for children" - 30 reviews
  • Dragunsky V. "Deniska's stories" - 30 reviews

Mendelssohn's march sounded, like a wedding took place in a dream, gifts, congratulations flew by and... There is a baby in the house, lying in a cradle, looking at the ceiling, drooling and demanding increased attention. A year and a half will pass, and caring parents who want their child to be not only healthy, but also developed, will ask the question: what educational literature is suitable for their beloved child? The solution to this problem can be found by reading our article.

Educational literature for preschoolers

It is a reliable fact that fiction plays a major role in the mental and aesthetic development of a child. Therefore, experts in this field advise parents to read books to him from the first years of his child’s life. This is necessary for the growth of thinking and imagination, for a subtle perception of the native language and the correct formation of speech. Therefore, it is important that educational literature for preschool children meets all the requirements of teachers.

How to navigate the modern world?

Unfortunately, modern parents allow their children to spend too much time watching TV and the computer, and this negatively affects the physical and psycho-emotional health of the child. Children unconsciously copy the behavior of cartoon characters and often become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Inexperienced parents can abruptly prohibit their children from watching their favorite cartoons and programs, which is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to gently remove the child from a dependent state with the help of games and conversations. This is another reason to spend more time with children, reading or telling them fairy tales or interesting stories.

The first thing parents should consider is the age and interests of the child. To this day, teachers have endless debates: which educational literature is more useful for preschoolers, how much literature should a child under seven years old be familiar with, how does it affect the child’s personality, and so on? It is children's books that shape speech development. And the more often the baby sees a book in the hands of his parents, the more he will trust it.

Before putting the child to bed, parents are advised to read a fairy tale, poems, or sing a lullaby to their son or daughter. This should be done regularly and become a tradition. You need to know that the more clearly the words are pronounced by the parents, the faster the baby will remember them, and he will begin to use them in his speech.

Educational literature for children

Parents whose children are growing up are advised to make the book “My First Book. The most beloved”, published by the publishing house “White City”. According to parents' reviews, this book helps a one and a half year old child to distinguish geometric shapes, to distinguish a passenger car from a truck, a crane from an excavator. The baby easily remembers the names of fruits and vegetables, distinguishes colors and their shades, and so on.

Which children's publishing houses have the best books?

The “Educational Literature” series includes books from the publishing houses “Mosaika-Sintez”, “Smart Books”, “Swallowtail”, which are indispensable for children two to three years old. With their help, parents teach their children the first letters and the basics of mathematics. In a playful manner, children begin to distinguish time, put letters into words, and so on. A simple and accessible form of education is primarily appreciated by parents.

Currently, educational literature for preschoolers is diverse and takes into account all the nuances in raising children. For this purpose, they produce toy books that can be bitten and shaken, and at the same time they combine games and learning and develop children's imagination. This series includes the rattle book “My First Words. Mom and kids" with high quality drawings.

Not long ago, an interactive book by the French artist Herve Tulle, “The Living Book,” was released in Russia. The reaction to it was mixed. Some parents were delighted, others doubted its benefits. It is interesting that the book is not a writer, but an artist, in which the “main characters” are multi-colored circles. To distinguish whether it is educational literature or not, you need to look at the reaction of children. Typically, children under four years of age enjoy looking at pictures and playing with books, developing their imagination.

How to develop a child

Another book by a foreign author that has received the most reviews is “Secrets of Plasticine” by Roni Oren. It shows so simply and easily how to sculpt from plasticine that not only children, but also adults enjoy doing this activity. Following the author's design, preschool children not only develop hand motor skills, but also learn good taste. You can easily verify this by going to the author’s page.

Of course, native Russian and Soviet children's literature begins with fairy tales and poems by Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak and Sergei Mikhalkov. It is impossible not to mention Alexander Volkov, Boris Zakhoder and other equally beloved authors of the grandparents of modern children.

Books that teach goodness

Educational literature for children is an invariable assistant to parents in raising kindness, sensitivity, and compassion in their children. Thus, the book (and cartoon) “Cat House” by Samuil Marshak with illustrations excites the imagination of a child who begins to understand how important it is to be able to feel sorry for, love and give shelter to homeless and defenseless people and animals.

A fairy tale by modern writer Elena Rakitina with drawings by Victoria Kirdiy about a hedgehog is called “Seryozhik”. She was loved by both children and parents. And there are many similar examples. If previously special educational programs in literature were developed only for schoolchildren, today the same programs exist for preschoolers.

And this is correct, since an abundance of useless information seeps into the mind and soul of a child, most likely causing harm to it, and a methodological guide for parents will help them navigate the correct formation of character in their own sons and daughters.