Do makeup in a nude style. Nude style: makeup secrets. Principles of nude makeup

Naturalness has been in fashion for a long time. And until now, many men believe that the best makeup for girls is either its complete absence, or maximum naturalness. By the way, some makeup artists think the same thing. Therefore, nude makeup does not lose its relevance and demand.

What is the feature

The most important distinguishing feature of this type of makeup is that it looks as natural as possible. It’s as if there’s no makeup on your face at all. Initially, nude makeup was popular only in the spring and summer. However, recent studies conducted by makeup artists have shown that this style is used by girls and women both in winter and autumn.

For what age

Notable is the fact that nude makeup is suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fair sex. It helps young girls to emphasize their natural freshness and youth, and respectable ladies to look younger and more beautiful. So you can safely do makeup in this style at any age.

What is it based on?

First of all, nude makeup is designed to highlight what is given by nature, and not to hide it under a layer of cosmetics. If done correctly, it will not be noticeable at all. Makeup is based on competent and careful shading, smooth lines, soft transitions and pastel colors. No harsh highlights, no brightness. At the same time, the makeup looks very stylish and beautiful. Professional usually consists of at least five natural shades that help emphasize naturalness.

What's important

There are a number of nuances that need to be taken into account. So, for example, it requires a perfectly smooth face. This is the most important point. Unfortunately, not every girl can boast of smooth skin and a uniform natural tone. Therefore, make-up begins with putting the face in order.

How to do it

Makeup at home in the nude style takes longer than in salons, since without practice it is quite difficult to immediately achieve a good, high-quality result. However, it is still possible. First of all, you should cleanse your skin of impurities and old cosmetics. If your skin is too dry or prone to flaking, be sure to apply a suitable type of moisturizer. It should be completely absorbed, so it is better to pay attention to those that do not have an overly greasy base. Only when the face is prepared can you begin leveling.


Perhaps the most difficult thing is choosing the exact tone. Not only in color, but also in texture. Professional makeup cosmetics are now very widely available. And to create an even tone, it is better to use BB cream or CC cream. They are light in texture, lie flat, and are distributed well. You need to apply the cream evenly over the entire face so that there are no bright or prominent areas.

How to choose a shade

Step-by-step is performed in just a few steps. But the most important thing is the selection of tone. If the color is too dark, the face will look bright and unnatural. And an overly light tone will not achieve naturalness. If you are in doubt about choosing a shade, you can use a little trick: apply the foundation of two more or less suitable tones to your chin. It is on him, and not on or the wrist, as many are used to. Then you need to look at the shades in sunlight. The one that is as close as possible to your natural complexion will be ideal.

What to do with unevenness (acne, wrinkles, blackheads)

Unfortunately, you won't be able to hide them that easily. However, you can try. Using the same foundation and powder. Acne in an inflamed state (bulging, with a white “head”) is better not to squeeze out. Firstly, it will lead to the emergence of new ones. Secondly, it may be unsafe. Thirdly, it causes redness of the surrounding skin. Therefore, it is better to dry the acne a little with a special product and then tint it. The same applies to acne. But wrinkles are simply hidden under the foundation. Especially if it applies easily to the skin, is evenly distributed, and does not clog pores. If one tone is not enough, then you can use powder with reflective particles in the composition. These are the so-called powder highlighters. They give the face a natural glow without excess shine.


Some girls find it difficult to give up black pencil and eyeliner. However, nude makeup does not recognize such cosmetics! Therefore, you should put it away if you need it. But the shadows will come in handy. You should give preference to soft pastel shades: brown, beige, sand, golden and cream. But only without glitter, sequins, mother-of-pearl. Exclusively matte. Makeup with shadows is quite simple and quick: cosmetics are applied exclusively to the upper eyelid, without stretching high up or to the temple. It is better to use a soft bristle brush for these purposes rather than applicators. This will make your makeup look more even and natural. At the same time, there is no need to weigh down your eyelids with several shades. The maximum that is allowed is two close colors. For example, sand and light brown.


This is the easiest stage. You just need to apply a small amount of mascara to your upper eyelashes. A maximum of two layers is allowed. There shouldn't be any lumps. But it’s better not to touch the lower eyelashes at all, so as not to weigh down the makeup. The preferred color of mascara is black or brown. No extremely bright shades (blue, red, green, etc.). By the way, makeup in the summer can be done without mascara at all. It is enough to tint your eyelashes with a special paint that will give them a blue-black color. Using mascara in this case will be unnecessary.


Unfortunately, not every girl pays attention to this aspect of makeup. Eyebrows should not only be brought back to normal (beautiful shape, graceful lines), but also tinted correctly. It’s good if their natural color matches the shade of your hair. So, for example, dark eyebrows do not require additional cosmetics; you can simply comb them with a brush, directing the hairs in one direction and smoothing them. But for those whose hair is naturally light or faded, they cannot do without some tricks. An eyebrow pencil (one tone darker than natural) or shadow will help in enhancing the color. If the first option is used, then the lines should be soft and light, shaded with a brush. But the shadows are applied in one thin layer with intensification towards the “tails”. At the same time, eyebrow makeup should not disrupt their natural shape and stand out.


It is important to place the emphasis correctly here. Those who are accustomed to using a contour pencil to give a clear shape to their lips can immediately abandon it. Nude makeup does not allow this. Therefore, when applying foundation at the first stage, it is worth using your lips. That is, cover them with tone. After this, no matter what product is used, your lips will look natural and natural. It's as if they weren't painted at all. What is the best cosmetic product to use? Experts recommend choosing soft, colorless glosses with a wet-lip effect rather than lipsticks. By the way, you should also give up bright colors. They have no place in this style of makeup. Soft pink, light coral and cherry shades of matte lipstick are allowed. No sparkles or mother of pearl! To ensure that the product lies evenly, without lumps, and to prevent your lips from cracking, you can use a simple application method. Lipstick is applied to the lower lip in the middle in one layer, and then spread over the entire surface with your fingertips. The top one should be painted in the same way. This way there will be no excess or lumps.

Blush and powder

If you really need it, you can use them. However, some girls completely refuse powder and blush, because they simply do not need them. Especially in daytime makeup. In the evening, you can give your face some natural blush. By the way, step-by-step makeup in the nude style involves applying powder and blush exclusively at the last stage, as a finishing touch. In case it is really necessary. The shade of the powder should be as close as possible to the applied tone, so that it is not noticeable! Apply powder exclusively with a wide soft brush, and not with a sponge. It is better to cover the cheekbones, chin, nose and forehead. All those areas that are prone to becoming oily during the day. Blush cannot be bright and noticeable at all. They are applied in one thin layer. If you overdid it a little, then it’s better to shade it and then powder it.

Which shades to choose

It all depends on what color the girl’s skin is. For example, fair-skinned ladies are better off opting for soft pink, peach and soft coral tones, which blend and camouflage well. But southern beauties can resort to more saturated shades. For example, bronze or peach. Again, they should not be noticeable!

A little history

Nude makeup appeared at the end of the 18th century, when girls abandoned bright shades of cosmetics. At that time, hygiene, naturalness and natural beauty without unnecessary embellishment became relevant. At the same time, natural ingredients were used from cosmetics: castor oil, rice flour. Later (in the middle of the 19th century), the fashion for “nude” passed away, replaced by a commitment to excessive pallor and eyes. Fortunately, over time, naturalness has again become in demand, which has led to the creation of a huge number of decorative cosmetics and care products that give the skin a pleasant and natural tone without extra effort. The fashion for nude does not go away, it only sometimes fades into the background.

In recent years, girls have begun to give preference to natural beauty, which is why makeup is done in a natural style, this kind of makeup is called Nude. The most important rule of this makeup is to use only natural colors, both mattifying agents and shadows. Next, we'll look at how to do it step by step. If you adhere to all the rules of makeup, you can do it in 10 minutes.

Features of nude makeup

There are several features that accompany nude makeup. Firstly, the emphasis is on healthy skin and complexion throughout the face. Secondly, makeup must emphasize the cheekbones, so you need to prepare blush, and thirdly, nude makeup is done without using bright colors.

Makeup artists agreed that this kind of makeup is well suited for women over 30, because at that age a lot of bright cosmetics can ruin the entire appearance.

Nude makeup step by step

There are only three steps in applying nude makeup, after which the makeup will be ready.

1. Makeup base

The first stage involves applying makeup cream, foundation and concealer. Foundation is used only in a natural color, there is no need to look for a tone lighter or darker, and concealer is needed to correct certain areas of the face. To apply tinting products, it is better to use brushes, as the sponge can leave lines.

2. Eyebrow shaping

The next stage is perfect eyebrows. In nude makeup, eyebrows play an important role, so you need to treat them with full responsibility. Their shape is adjusted based on the shape of the face; for this you can use tweezers (sometimes scissors). But the color of the eyebrows is selected strictly individually, depending on the color of the hair. For blondes, a light brown or gray pencil is ideal, while for brunettes, dark brown or black eyebrows are suitable. For brown-haired women, pencils are chosen either brown (more light brown) or copper colors. For fair-haired girls, the pencil can be of any shade, depending on the shade of the hair (light blond, blond or dark blond).

Instead of a pencil, you can always use dye or henna for eyebrows, but you need to work with them carefully, since the eyebrows may turn out too dark or, conversely, you will have to carry out another dyeing procedure. For girls with eyebrow tattoos, nude makeup is not entirely suitable, since it implies the presence of natural eyebrows.

After the eyebrows have acquired their shape and color, you can move on to the eyelashes; black or brown mascara is used to color them, and shadows are applied only in natural colors. Eyeliner can only be applied to the upper eyelid and according to the growth of the eyelashes; eyeliner should not be applied to the lower eyelid.

3. Applying eye shadow, blush and lipstick

Shadows for nude makeup are selected depending on eye color. So, for blue eyes, dark shades of brown or flesh are suitable, while the shadows are well shaded and applied in a not too wide line. For brown eyes, it is better to use gold, pearlescent and coffee with milk colors. Nude makeup cannot be combined with bright shadows, so natural colors are used to highlight the eye color.

Photos of girls whose makeup is done in a nude style show how natural such makeup looks. It’s not even noticeable that there is makeup on the girl’s face; it seems that this is her natural beauty.

The final stage of nude makeup is applying blush and lipstick. Blush is needed to highlight the cheekbone line, so its color should be natural so that when applied it gives the impression of a healthy skin tone. To emphasize the cheekbone line, blush is applied not to the cheeks, but along the entire cheekbone; it is better to do this with a brush.

Nude lipstick has a nude or light pink tint. You need to make sure that the color of the lipstick does not make your lips pale, and they do not blend into one tone with your complexion, but the use of neutral colors is considered a mandatory component of nude makeup.

Nude makeup for the impending century

Makeup for girls with certain features in appearance is performed according to rules that can hide these minor flaws. For example, for a looming eyelid, nude makeup is done in pastel colors, but gray shadows should be present on the outer corner of the eye, and shadows of the same pastel colors should be applied on top of the eyelid, closer to the eyebrow. In this way, you can hide the problem of the impending century, and it will not be so noticeable.

Nude makeup is suitable for both young girls and women who want to highlight their natural beauty. The main thing is to ensure that there are no clear lines and that the foundation matches the natural tone of the face. If you notice that nude makeup makes your skin look pale, you can correct the situation with blush.

For a detailed study of the technique of applying nude makeup, girls can refer to video lessons and, depending on their individual characteristics, choose the type of makeup that suits them.

Video on the topic of the article

Daytime makeup has become a real salvation for many women, because with its help you can not only emphasize all the advantages of your appearance, but also visually eliminate minor imperfections in the form of circles under the eyes, redness, and the like. Properly done makeup will undoubtedly significantly refresh your look!

Features of daytime makeup

Proper daytime makeup is designed to maintain a natural appearance, making the image complete and the appearance well-groomed. This should create the feeling that there is practically no makeup on the face.

Using foundation, you can visually eliminate almost any skin imperfections. Makeup can solve many other problems if you skillfully implement the recommendations received from articles, and also take relevant photos as an example.

In addition, you should not forget about some basic rules.

  • Cleansing the skin by washing, using toners and lotions. It is also important not to forget about moisturizing with a cream that suits your skin type.
  • To make your makeup look neat, you should even out your skin tone with various means - foundation, foundation or concealer. Don't forget about the décolleté, eyelids, and neck.

  • It is important to select cosmetic decorative products in accordance with your color type. We are talking about eye shadow, lipstick and even face tone.

  • Applying several layers of mascara can make your eyelashes look much fuller, but remember that in daytime makeup you usually apply no more than two layers of mascara.

  • Choose your blush carefully so that it doesn’t look unnatural or even ridiculous on your skin.

  • Using bronzer or foundation a couple of shades darker, you can shape your face by applying a little product to the area under your cheekbones and along the contours of your face. Having studied the sculpting technique, you will be able to determine which technique is most suitable for your type of appearance, but in daytime makeup it is applicable only if absolutely necessary. If you are not sure that you can do this as naturally and unnoticeably as possible, then it is better to hold off on sculpting.
  • Before you start making up your lips, remember that they also need special care, thanks to which even the most “capricious” lipstick can lie perfectly evenly. To keep your lips always smooth and soft, it is recommended to regularly massage with a toothbrush, use scrubs, masks, and balms.

  • How to do nude makeup step by step

    For several years in a row, nude makeup has not lost its relevance, having managed to become a real classic. What is the idea behind this technique? Everything is very simple - when applying a large number of different cosmetics, the makeup looks as natural as possible and may even give the impression that there is almost no makeup on the face. At the same time, any imperfections of the skin are corrected and advantages are emphasized; it is for the naturalness that nude make-up is so loved by the fair sex.

    When working on nude makeup, they usually use foundation or foundation, powder, blush in a neutral shade, highlighter, mascara, lipstick or gloss in a natural shade, light neutral shades of flesh, beige or pinkish tint.

    Since this makeup is designed to demonstrate healthy and glowing skin, it is imperative to use a highlighter or foundation with reflective particles - the product should be applied to the protruding parts of the face (on the cheekbones, under the eyebrow, on the tip of the nose, above the lip).

    It is very important in such a make-up not to make a mistake with the right choice of tone - for this you need to focus on the undertone of your own skin.

    In addition, eyebrow makeup plays a significant role. There is no need to draw on eyebrows, which have long been famous as “Instagram” ones - they will be more appropriate in other types of makeup. Just comb your eyebrows, tint them a little with a pencil or shadow - they should look neat and as natural as possible.

    Apply shadows to the entire moving eyelid, taking into account the fact that bright colors are inappropriate in such a make-up. It is also desirable that the shadows be matte. After applying the shadows, paint your eyelashes in one or two layers (you can use brown mascara).

    Choose a neutral shade of lipstick that almost matches your own - pinkish, beige, cream, and so on.

    How to do daytime eye makeup correctly

    Most often, the makeup of brown-eyed girls uses warm shades in lipstick, eye shadow, and face tone. However, if you have jet-black hair and fair skin, then perhaps silver eyeshadow, as well as pale lilac or dark pink shades, will suit you. Try experimenting with purple as well. In addition, brown or black arrows will probably suit you, but remember that in daytime makeup they should not be wide.

    For light-eyed girls, you can highlight the beauty of your eyes using blue, gray, light blue or green shadows (choose those that match your eye shade). You can also choose eyeliner of the appropriate tone - it will enhance the depth of eye color. In addition, makeup in warm colors - coffee, beige, sand - can look very interesting.

    Daytime makeup with arrows - application technique

    Many girls can no longer imagine their daytime makeup without arrows, because they make the eyes not only more expressive, but also visually larger. Meanwhile, some are convinced that winged eyeliner is only appropriate for evening make-up. Perhaps this belief can be applied to classic black wide arrows, which during the day may look a little “heavy”, but they can be completely different. You can draw them with shadows or a soft pencil of a discreet shade - gray, blue, brown, and so on. Drawing them is quite simple - draw a line along the upper eyelid along the border of eyelash growth, and at the outer corner of the eye, pull it up, thinning the tip.

    In addition, draw a thin line along the lower eyelid, starting to apply shadows or pencil from its middle. In this case, it should be slightly expanded at the outer corner of the eye.

    Daytime makeup options

    Many girls and women have been using the same makeup application technique for many years in a row, while you can try many options!

    Beautiful daytime makeup will make any representative of the fair sex more attractive, not only by correcting skin unevenness, but also by adding interesting colors to the image. Of course, in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not choose too “flashy” tones.

    Simple day makeup

    Simple daytime makeup is done quite quickly, already in the morning relieving women of such troubles as circles under the eyes, rashes, and so on. And in general, it is designed to refresh the appearance, emphasizing all the advantages of the face.

Every day, representatives of the fairer sex strive to look even more beautiful and attractive. Women regularly use decorative and caring cosmetics, visit stylists and hairdressers. Only a lady can know that this is hard work. There are so many different ways to put makeup on your face! Each woman chooses a special style, based on what her plans are for that day. The topic of this article will be nude makeup. You can do it at home or contact a specialist. Let's try to figure out how to create nude makeup. Step-by-step instructions will be described below.

First stage: skin cleansing

Like any nude style, it should be applied exclusively to a clean face. Otherwise, you will simply end up with an ugly and unnatural appearance.

If you have more than two hours left, you can use a soft scrub or gommage. Before applying cosmetics, you should not deep clean your face using rough abrasives and chemical or acid peels. All this can lead to excessive redness, which does not allow nude makeup at all.

If you don’t have time for thorough cleansing, then simply wash your skin with a suitable product. After this, blot with a clean napkin and wipe with tonic lotion.

Stage two: moisturizing the dermis

After cleansing, be sure to moisturize the surface of your face. It is worth noting that this also applies to other types of makeup. Choose only a (proven) product that suits you. Do not use new creams and gels. They can give a completely unexpected reaction. It is better to postpone experiments.

Nude makeup involves the use of nourishing and moisturizing substances. It can be a cream or gel. It all depends on what skin type you have. Elderly women may prefer serum. It will do its job perfectly and will not leave a film on the skin. After applying the product, you need to wait from five to twenty minutes until the composition is absorbed.

Stage three: base coat

Not to be confused with foundation. The base can be completely non-shading or mattifying. In the latter case, you need to use the product exclusively on problem areas: the forehead, chin and nose.

Apply the base product in a thin layer, blending it thoroughly. Remember that it is better to use a special sponge for this. Do not rub the applied composition with your hands. Not only can this damage your skin, but it can also create a streaky effect.

Stage four: correcting deficiencies

Carefully examine your face and assess its condition. Don't turn a blind eye to minor flaws. Nude makeup for a wedding or any other celebration involves creating the ideal skin tone. You need to get rid of all the shortcomings.

If you find red pimples, rosacea or inflammation, then shade them with a greenish corrector. will help make imperfections completely invisible. should be “covered up” with a pinkish-orange tone. In this case, it must be applied pointwise, driving into the skin with your fingertips. Pronounced nasolabial folds can be shaded with a beige or white corrector. However, it is worth remembering that the product is applied in a thin layer.

Fifth stage: applying tone

In the modern world, stylists and makeup artists are increasingly trying to avoid heavy foundations that only age the face. Now these assistants are being replaced by fluids, water-based creams, and reflective substances. Choose satin shades. Forget matte color.

Nude makeup at home is created as follows. Apply the tone onto the skin. To do this, use the following areas: forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin and the area above the upper lip. After this, you need to carefully shade the texture using a sponge.

Stage six: powder

Do you need powder? Nude style makeup (technique) involves the use of only a compact corrective substance. It should be used only when there is really a need to hide flaws. If your face looks perfect after all the manipulations, then you should give up powder altogether. Otherwise, you may end up with an unattractive and unnatural skin tone.

Women who have problem skin should avoid using powder. Burning brunettes and representatives of the fairer sex with dark skin should also avoid light colors.

Stage seven: blush

Is blush necessary for this style? Many women believe that this cosmetics should be used exclusively to create a bright image. They think that blush and nude makeup are categorically unacceptable. (celebrity makeup artist) says that this point should never be skipped. Blush should always be on. However, for a natural look, you need to choose the shade carefully.

Give preference to pinkish tones without adding pearlescent shine. If you have dark hair, then you can use slightly brownish colors. Remember that you only need to apply blush with a fluffy brush and light movements. Try not to overdo it.

Eighth stage: eyes

Since your goal is to create a natural look, you shouldn't use shadows at all. If makeup is for daytime, then blondes should give preference to brown shades. Brunettes can use their usual charcoal colors.

Apply mascara to your eyelashes in two layers. Pay special attention to the outer corner of the eyes. Do not use eyeliner or decorative pencil. If you want to place accents, then make several points on the area of ​​the upper inner eyelid.

Eyebrows also need to be highlighted. If they are naturally bright, then you can skip this point. Blonde girls should use a graphite or brown pencil for this purpose. You need to tint the area above the eyes very carefully. Don't create a mask effect. Be sure to comb your eyebrow hairs after highlighting them.

Stage nine: lips

Nude style makeup (you can see photos of models in the article) involves avoiding bright lipsticks and glosses. To highlight your lips, you can use matte cream colors or regular foundation. Apply the product to the skin and wait a few minutes. After this, blot with a dry cloth and lightly powder.

Remember that you should have makeup on your face that goes with no makeup.

Summary and conclusion

Nude makeup is one of the most time-consuming and difficult to create. You are faced with an impossible task. You need to create the perfect skin tone using a minimum of makeup. At first glance, it may seem that there are no decorative products on your face at all. If you managed to achieve this effect, then the image was created correctly.

Nude makeup will be an excellent option for young people and older women. It is suitable for both special occasions and modest meetings. In this look you can go shopping, for a walk with the children or to the gym. Everywhere you will look attractive and as natural as possible.

This image assumes perfect skin. That is why try to care for the dermis not only before applying cosmetics. There is a group of women who, when creating this image, can completely abandon foundations and correctors. However, you need to sensibly assess your appearance and not turn a blind eye to existing shortcomings. Nude makeup is becoming more and more popular every day. If you are not confident in your abilities, then try to practice before the test application of cosmetics. I wish you success!

This makeup technique got its name from the English word “nude”, which translated means “naked” or “naked”. The most natural and natural makeup in the nude style well emphasizes the advantages and skillfully hides skin imperfections. Unlike other techniques, nude makeup is great for both a morning walk in the park and a romantic dinner in a restaurant. The article will discuss how to properly do makeup in a nude style, what subtleties there are in the technique of applying it, and what nude shades are suitable for brunettes, brown-haired women and blondes.

History of nude makeup

Many people believe that nude makeup appeared relatively recently, but this is not so. Back in the early 18th century, when hygiene began to gain popularity in society, the beauty of body and soul became a priority. The ladies of the court removed from their boudoirs the various wigs, rouge of unnatural shades and white face paint that had been so in demand a century earlier. Naturalness and naturalness have become fashionable. It was created with rice powder to emphasize the natural whiteness of the skin, castor oil to improve the growth of eyelashes, and light blush to emphasize natural beauty. Throughout the 19th century, the fashion for natural beauty either faded into the background, then returned to the pedestal of fashion trends.

By the middle of the 20th century, the founder of the world-famous cosmetics brand Max Factor elevated the “no makeup makeup” technique to the title of the most fashionable and widespread make-up style.

Subtleties of nude makeup

The versatility of nude makeup is that there is no age limit for it. It perfectly hides flaws and shows natural advantages in women of any age. With the help of nude makeup, young girls can emphasize the tenderness and youth of their faces, and for older ladies it is an excellent assistant in giving the skin youth and freshness.

Nude makeup is not as easy to apply as it seems at first glance. To create naturalness, you need a lot of cosmetics and several important rules.

Basic requirements for nude makeup:

How to choose make-up according to color type

The tones of cosmetic products should be selected according to the color type, based on skin tone, eye color or hair shade. This is not difficult to do, thanks to the large assortment of products on store shelves.

Nude makeup for brunettes

Matte shadows in pale yellow or light brown shades are good for brunette girls. They should be applied to the upper eyelid, blending thoroughly. A complement to eye makeup will be a thin line of pencil along the lash line and lengthening mascara on the eyelashes. When creating nude makeup for brunettes, it is better to choose an eyeliner in chocolate, golden brown or black.

You should not make a bright accent on your lips. It is better to apply foundation and cover it with colorless lip gloss. You can also use a matte lipstick in a pale brown shade.

When wearing daytime makeup, you should not apply blush, as you can overload your face with colors. By slightly highlighting your eyes and eyebrows, you can avoid losing your makeup against dark hair.

Nude makeup for brown-haired women

Compared to brunettes, brown-haired women are suitable for a greater number of tones of eye shadow and lipstick, both in cold and warm tones. The main nuances for choosing nude makeup for fair-haired (brown-haired) women are a flawlessly even skin tone and a bright accent.

To avoid obvious differences from other parts of the face, the foundation should be the same tone as the skin, or one shade darker than the natural color. Don’t forget about the quality and light texture of the foundation so that it is almost invisible. It is recommended to use a foundation of a light beige or cream shade, and categorically exclude pink.

This makeup option looks very harmonious on brown-haired women. Giving the image naturalness, tenderness and attractiveness.

Nude makeup for blondes.

Unlike brown-haired women, blondes are suitable for foundation with a pink tint. Be sure to highlight the eyes and eyebrows so that the face does not merge with the hair. It is better to focus on the eyes with a dark brown or black pencil, adding bronze-pink shadows.

For blondes, to give their face definition, it is necessary to highlight the protruding areas with a highlighter and outline the contour with a dark foundation. That is, do light contouring.

The lips are highlighted with pink lipstick, but before applying the color, they need to be bleached with a thin layer of foundation.

Blonde girls need to carefully select colors and shades, because nude makeup for blondes requires a scrupulous and precise approach.

Step-by-step technique for creating “nude” makeup

The very first and very important stage is preparing the perfect tone:

  • Correction of problem areas of the face with concealer;
  • Applying a foundation with a light texture;
  • Highlight the cheekbone area with a highlighter with shimmering particles to add radiance to the skin.

Creating perfect eyebrows:

  • Correct the shape of the eyebrows using tweezers;
  • Naturally dark eyebrows do not need tinting;
  • For light-browed ladies, a pencil or special shadows will help. For tinting, products 1-2 shades darker than the natural color of the eyebrow hairs are used.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul:

  • You can use shadows of any warm tones, from sand to brown. But be sure to exclude shadows with mother-of-pearl or added sparkles;
  • You can also apply shadows in pink shades, from light pink to peach, but only matte and without shimmering particles;
  • Ideal nude makeup is accentuated by applying mascara to the top of the eyelashes, but no more than 2 layers;
  • Eyeliner is not used in nude makeup.

Lips in natural color:

  • Lipstick should be applied without using a lip liner;
  • For makeup, use lipstick in pastel colors or just transparent gloss, without sparkles.

Applying translucent powder and blush with a nude color completes the look. It can be pink, peach, beige or bronze.

When creating nude makeup, you must not forget about a sense of proportion in everything. Once you learn how to apply it, you can use natural makeup in almost any situation.